Changing your wheel size or tyre size can change how your taximeter calculates the price, but if the diameter of the tyre is the same, then it wont.
Its the diameter of the tyre that matters.
This shows your tyre size and wheel size it fits.
Proper confusing as its a mixture of metric and imperial.
Here 225, is tyre width in metric
50 is tyre profile worked out by a crazy formula.
17 is the wheel size in imperial
A= the 225
B= the 50
C=the 17
D=what we need to know
D is the Diameter
D= this formula
D in this case is
If your new Diameter is the same as your old Diameter then all is OK
If its NOT then your taximeter NEEDS recalibrating.
If you don't recalibrate the the taximeter , you could be breaking the law.
So its in your own interest to do this before you are reported for charging the wrong price and possibly lose your taxi licence.